Pressie for Judy
Hiya honey just so you know I'm thinking of you a new tag ! lol lil naughty but kept me out of mischief for a while
Huge hugs to you and stay safe xoxox
Choc Addiction Mini Taggers Kit
Download HERE
Just a quickie to let you all know I'm still alive.Only a few basic papers a frame which i love and a few treats along with two wordarts. Non alcoholic but cheers anyways !!!
No tuts finished yet thank google changing pages for that lol I'm lost . Its a tough day just killing time. Looking forward to the gig at Stuart Town tomorrow night. Bringing in the New Year and spending the first hours of it with my absolutely positively wonderful other half .
also its a preview for my new tut "First to Score"which I'm slowly but surely writing and its VERY easy most of the hard work is done for you !
Anyone want a tag ?

Halo! Party anyone ? lol
Hiya guys ...well mostly gals! Hope everyone is doing well. I have to say it again I am soooo missing PartyHouse I want msn groups back lol !!! Ive been checking out other blogs lately seeing as Miss Hayley keeps me out of bed til all hours and my mind will be up to creating a few new tuts hopefully as soon as I get me some sleep pmsl. Until then I am checking out tuts by other very talented designers and scrap kits .. and am gunna give a few tuts a shot tonight in all my spare time pmsl. I will be offering the tags I make once again BUT only through the partyhouse shares google group at this stage.... I hope anyone who is interested in sharing tags, scraps, tubes all things psp will join in with us and make a group happen again I am soooooooooooo sick of fiddling in aimoo and yuku they are both crap! and am yet to find half the people I used to tag with :( Ive been very busy making jams and jellies and keeping out of mischief although I do have to say I'm well overdue for Rob and I to hit our special place and have a night or two away from it all its been over a year already!We have a band job next weekend so it definately won't be then but we will be definately hitting the city before too long , just need to find someone I trust to care for Hayley for a weekend lol . My Dad is in Sydney RPA hospital atm awaiting an operation so fingers crossed he makes it through well enough for our family to take him and Mum out for their 40th anniversary next Sunday.
Well any who anyone still wanting help with anything psp .... if my memory doesnt fail me it seems so long since i used the program but desperately missing it lately lol, I am here to help out just email me or leave a message anyone else who is interested in Partyhouse the link is here come jopin in the more the merrier. The only thing we do not share and i say again WE DO NOT SHARE is PTU©. We do share adult AC to EAC shares so beware !!!! same goes with tags lol we are an 18+ group. come join in and have fun for pretty much anything goes fun , friendship and psp-aholics! just like Partyhouse used to be.
Much love n hugs Renie aka AusAngel


Your friend always Renie / AusAngel
ps if you click the tag BEFORE you save her it should be in better proportions !
Hello and welcome to all its 2009 can you believe it time sure flies when youre having fun .... or not lol. Well 2008 had lots of downs and a few ups and I gotta say Im not unhappy to see the last of it! On the upside all that practice finally paid off lol and we are due to have baby Charlton in hmmm a little over 9 weeks.
We lost a daughter to adolescence i still find it hard to believe turning a certain age can have such an impact on a child but it has and it hurt like crazy but life goes on and shes moved out and on whether her direction is upwards I don't know in fact I don't know anything all I know is she told me she was going away for a week or two and now i read on the net that she is never ever coming home and is glad to see the back of us and say goodbye to her horrible life we gave her cos' its time to move on. Would have been nice to have been told by somebody seeing as Ive asked time and time again and its all been denied but I guess life deals it many different ways and shit happens. See there really is a down side to being a parent.
The rest of the gang are all doing really well and growing so fast Miss Emma turns 15 the day before Australia Day im living in hope she stays grounded and doesnt lose sight of who she is and what she wants from life but one can only hope and be here for her.
Rob and I celebrated New Years by doing a band job at the Rabbit Trap hotel about 110kms away from us and I got to test drive my Christmas pressie that Rob brought me Im loving it see my new bass!! cool huh!! We had a fantastic night even with my expanding belly and Rob as always sang very well and gave his guitar an absolute thrashing .

Love and best wishes from my family to yours AusAngel / Renie