I must apologise still havent got to the kits or the tutorials !!! But Robs night away in the truck tonight and Im opening up psp for the large part of his absence lol. What a sh*t of a day Ive had but a great week. Possibly won't get it online til tomorrow sometime though. My morning sickness isnt so bad atm still there but heaps better which is nice and my house appreciates it because its nice and clean atm ! lol.Sure fire / fool proof method of keeping your mother in law AWAY have a clean house and they never turn up but you can bet your a$$ as soon as it looks untidy she'll be there pmsl! This week I opened my facebook and found long lost cousins ... well one in particular but Ive found lots of them and Im completely stoked! We go on holidays for a week as of Monday morning so i will not be around at all!. But before that Rob and the children are participating in the PCMA festival talent quests and busking a little really depending on how energetic we all get !. Good news I got a belated bday pressie or several pressies this week. Boots that wont kill my feet and a video camera ! so hopefully I can work out how to use it pmsl and capture some stuff to show you all. Its Robs birthday Thursday he will be 32 !!! to my advantage lol you know the saying youre only as old as the one your feeling !!!! hahaha. Well best hang a load of washing out and organise dinner for the kids then I will be back if not with tuts and kits will be back with something to show Ive made some kind of effort lol. Gotta love me ! Love and Hugs to you all Renie / AusAngelFRIDAY ALREADY
Well here I am just a quicky I don't really feel like being online at all let alone thinking and being online at the same time lol. Morning sickness ....well in my case all day sickness is here to stay Im one of them lucky people who get it nine months long we havent noticed it a whole lot till just recently because i was too busy being sick with flus and ear problems to notice what illness was what. Our eldest son Keagan officially becomes a teenager tomorrow. The big 13. Rob is stopping into Dubbo to pick up his two girls this afternoon on his way home we havent had them for three weeks last time they were over they brought the flu with them which left us all too sick to have them last fortnight so we are really looking forward to spending some time with them this weekend we wont see them for a month then because they are going away for the school holidays with their mother. Which will be hard on Rob he hates not seeing them and Miss Sarah looks forward to each and every visit with them. Its all good they will be back and driving us nuts with the rest of the tribe in no time lmao. Miss Katie turned up home yesterday with tears in her eyes looking through the door to make sure Rob was only around and NOT me she walked in crying saying please dont go angry at me and produces a damned rabbit .... The same rabbit i told her she was not allowed to have three times already this week. Rob just started laughing and told her it was cute and set about making a rabbits cage it took him til dark to finish ..... and he calls me a softy .... hmmmm I will remember this one. Theres a weak spot for katie she cares for any animals that come into the house and she is a character theres never a dull moment i just rolled my eyes at Rob and he said "what she was crying I couldnt say no !" Of course she was crying i told her NO and she knew he would fall in a heap and make the darned cage for her lol Okay onto blog business. I have been thinking it must be time for a new kit soooooooo by Monday I hope to have a new taggers kit up for you all and some halloween tuts coming soon. I have missed tagging but sitting here at the pc whilst sick is just no fun at all the things we do hey. Hope you have all taken a look see at Robs music so many have been asking to hear him for so long I thought I would finally make time to get some up and I have so dont forget to check em out. They are only home recordings but they turned out pretty good, its a good excuse to hear him sing I love it when he sings!!!. Thankyou to all mostly in Partyhouse and Southern Comfort for your well wishes on the new addition its nice to see some people happy for us. It does mean a lot to us and its so nice to see positive comments instead of smart remarks to ruin our moment. Sadly everyone doesnt feel the same way but like we said when we announced the pregnancy we are extremely happy and for anyone who wasn't well IT happens . Back on a positive note its wonderful to see all you who have been hit with the terrible storms back and safe we hope you all get your lives and homes back together and stay safe. YES JUDY honey we always miss you(L). Have a wonderful weekend everyone stay safe and don't party too hard to everyone who is repairing storm damage stay safe and our best wishes and a huge huggle goes out to you all! Loads of love from Australia. Renie aka AusAngelCHECK OUT ROBS NEW SITE
I been getting creative lol well kinda...... anyways I been promising to share someof our jam sessions for what seems like ages sooo if you want to check it out theres music linked of Robs in his PlaylistWE'RE SO EXCITED
Good evening all from Australia and welcome to my blog and our big
13 weeks and three days pregnant and over the moon.
We have been trying (yes TRYING) to fall pregnant since Miss Sarah turned one our baby is healthy and growing normally and we are absolutely stoked so are the children.
I know you all probably think "heavens how can you get so excited you have heaps of kids" ...
Well we are and for those who aren't happy for us , then I guess that's not our problem its yours and we are sorry you feel that way I guess you could ask yourself why you AREN'T happy for us ... We don't ask anyone to babysit for us and we are responsible for our own children so it shouldn't really bother anyone.
We have known the whole time just haven't told anyone except a few very close to us and now we have decided to tell everyone so here we are.
We had scans and blood tests today and all seems to be going well. The most AMAZING thing .... the baby is laying arms laid back near its shoulders and drinking you could see its tiny mouth moving and drinking fluid in . Ive never had an ultrasound quite like it and now we're even more excited and cant wait til March. So there you have it congratulations to us !!!
After the year and a half we have had seems most things are looking up still a ways to go but we are getting there finally and still as much in love or more as we ever were...
So thats it our big / HUGE news *grins
Loads of love n Huggles from RobNRenie