WHOOOT wooohoooo lol do i sound excited!!! Yesterday i brought a brand new pc off ebay huge hard drive huge ram and I cant wait . I didnt purchase one with an operating system I already own windows xp professional not so sure im game to try VISTA just yet after seeing so many people having trouble with it and psp seeing as thats what i enjoy doing with my pc .... Maybe in a month or two will get game to get Vista etc see how it goes... UNTIL then i have maybe a weeks wait for my new pc so im toughin' it out on Robs. lol not that its a bad pc just used to much more speed and all my own stuff !!!! This one is soooooo much slower than even my overloaded pc that just up and died so its a challenge and a test of my patience so just bear with me !!!! We had our holidays last week it was fantastic ! We took the kids tobogganing, hired paddle boats , fishing boats took them to the beach the lake the bay !!! Camel rides , train ride , ferry across the channel at Newcastle .We took them out to a music muster on the tuesday night that was fun we met up with friends who come from where we live and Rob , Brieanna and Kaitlin had a few songs up their sleeves for the crowd. We also went Ten pin bowling , the sand dunes at Anna Bay are just incredible I have pics and as soon as my pc is up and running will share some. None of us wanted to come home but life happens i guess and the kids are all back at school and Miss Sarah and i are home once again and I got plain worn out. Im only 18 weeks but look like im 8 months my tummy is busting i no longer have a belly button which the kids find very amusing !!! The holiday was a little hard all the non stop walking travelling etc just made me sore all over but it was too good to miss and Rob made it as easy on me as he possibly could so gotta LOVE him he is just wonderful! The week before we went away we had the parkes spectacular that was fun we were so stoked the kids all performed except keagan and made us so proud and Rob as well. Listening to them all I thought i was gunna burst lol i got goose bumps when Katie sang proud mary and Rob well what can i say he never ceases to amaze me he has a wonderful talent as an entertainer Im so proud of him and Jessie even gave him a standing ovation she was so proud to call him her step Dad it was a nice weekend and just another moment when i can say just how proud i am of our family !!! Well i will love you all and leave you for now but you can bet your butt I will be back soon as I can and psping like an addict once again lol. Loads of huggles and Love Renie

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