Hi to anyone reading this I'm very new to this and have no idea whatsoever as to what I'm doing but wish me luck anywho!!!
I'm Renie to all who see me around the net (mostly MSN GROUPS) I am AusAngel and believe me there can only be one lmao.... the world can only handle one me :
I am very happily engaged to Rob the light of my life and together we raise 9 absolutely gorgeous children two are Robs , six are mine and One is ours and you will hear a lot about what this lot get up to on here OMG the things we do !
I am a psp addict I love to design and create so any spare time I get thats what I do ... I dont get a lot of spare time But I use it wisely ;)
I play Bass while Rob and the kids sing and play guitars , mandolins .... and now they want DRUMS>>>>>>>>INSERT SHOCKED FACE HERE<<<<<<<<<
Anyways to cut a long story short I live in country NSW Australia with our small tribe we love music , camping and being creative ..... ohhh and the teenagers thrive on seeing how many grey hairs they can make me develop in one sitting ... WELCOME TO MY INSANE WORLD.!!!


  1. Karen Lee says:

    Hi Renie!

    Wow, this is way cool. Another place to hang out with you, and your family, too. Whooo hooo! It is a joy to get to hear about you and your family, and even your antics etc... lol

    Thank you so much for sharing your PSP talents with all of us, that already know you, or know of you. I can't wait till the masses of people that flock to the numerous digital scrapbooking blog sites find you. You may need to hire on an assistant before you know it.lol

    Your family sounds like tons of fun. I bet they keep you young for sure.

    I wish you all of the luck in the world with your new endeavor here. I am sure it will be a huge hit, in no time. Don't forget to also post your gorgeous tags, you create, on here. They would look awesome presented in a slideshow format, or something like that, I think, especially the ones that you've created with your own scrapkits. Gorgeous, gorgeous.

    Love N (((HUGS)))

    Karen aka Snowmaiden

  2. Thankyou Karen!!!!!
    Ive been trying to figure out how to post Rob singing on here havent found how yet but will!!! Only home recordings and not the best quality But still sounds pretty good we.. to me anyways lol Im his biggest fan ..
    Never thought of my tags thanks for that !
    Loads of love and hugs

  3. Karen Lee says:

    Renie GF, you and I need to hook up on messenger when you get a chance. I am kleenussbaumer@msn.com for MSN and I am luvsnowmen17@yahoo.com on Yahoo. If you have any kind of video, it can be uploaded to youtube for free, I think. Now the real trick is, I have no idea yet how to do all of that, but where there is a will there is a way, i always say.

    Here is the link to Elly's site here on blogspot.


    I am sure if you get to see how she has things set up on hers it might help you, too. Enjoy & catch up more soon.

    Love N (((HUGS)))


  4. I added you honey My messenger signs out all the time though so dont think I am being rude lmao..
    Thankyou so much for everything I will go check out Ellys blog I think Ive been there before ....I am still seeking the playing Robs songs on here I found an mp3 player but it only plays f4rom a selected list of songs so I will keep searching I know there has to be one out there somewhere lol.
    Love and Loads of huggles to you Your own blog sounds like a fantastic idea to btw I would love to see some of your pics .... maybe even turn them into tags ?? hint hint lol..
    Let me know the link when you get it going and I will add it on here .

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