I must be in a singing Mood I have got the Beach Boys song beach baby ringing through my mind and I havent heard it for years!!!! What a productive day Ive had . I have completed two new tuts Ive been meaning to get to for ages and finished the Beach Baby taggers kit. Ughhhhhh which means Ima hafta do my course for the rest of the week so if I go missing you know why lol. The kit is choccas full too much to preview properly with my patience level this afternoon .... Sunnies , beach towels, buttons, bows papers, beach totes, a floatie an umbrella, bikinis and flowers There will be an extras pack to this kit later in the week with Frames etc
PLEASE DO NOT change file names or take credit for my work TUT WRITERS -If you wish to use my kits in a tut just leave a message with a link to the tut in my shoutbox I love to see my creations being used!!!! a link to my Blog with the kit name would be great no one visits me here lmao Well the kids are home from school and girls group so Im off You all have a wonderful week !!! stay safe and enjoy the new kit. Its getting bloody cold here think its time i lit the heater. Rob won't be home for at least another hour he was away last night I can't wait for him to walk in the door!!! Love n Huggles to you all Regards Renie /AusAngel

4 Responses to “BEACH BABY”:

  1. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful Kit, thank you for sharing your talent and hard work.


  2. Thankyou Trish and thankyou for stopping by

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much for your kits. The are fantastic.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for this very cute kit :-)

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