Well Christmas is almost here and Ive done sweet F***. A** towards it really, online and/ or offline . oh and btw Hello to everyone out there on the WWW... Its been a while so thought I would air my views on the world we are currently living in. My teen / adolescent daughter has kind of moved away from home and into my sisters . She told me she was going for a week or two and isn't coming home at all and whats worse i had to read it on the net she hasn't even told me and she won't admit it ... shoulda called this post * how to not bring up teens pmsl(im not really laughing )* The things i thought i would be doing with my teen / almost adult daughter is being done with my sister now and lets be completely honest Im really f**king pi$$ed :at BOTH of them my so called sister who I think should have had the decency to call and let me know what they are up to or even ask if i approved of Jessie being there would have been a nice start..... not to mention I am very hurt but shit happens hey !? see I warned y'all im in a whinging mood !!! can ya tell ? stop reading now if you have a weak heart lol.. We have had the crappiest few weeks I mean seriously you wouldn't believe it if I spilled the whole lot and I probably will :.....Rob lost his job a few weeks back and being a skilled labourer / truck driver lol and muso ( like y'all dint know that already) we live in a crappy hole of a town with absolutely NO JOBS though one place thinks there may be a position after christmas so atm Robs going stir crazy here at home putting up with me , Sarah thinks it is great she has her Daddy home and in the mean time Daddy is going slowly insane lol. Thats still not the worst of it all we gets a letter telling him he isnt entitled to any income support til the end of January. Which means we have little to none of the money we expected to get us through Christmas. We don't expect handouts but seeing as Rob has gone all his life not claiming benefits or help from the government a little help would have been helpful, especially seeing as he has applied for jobs day in and day out, living in the shithole town is just too far out of the way and I reckon most won't employ him simply because of the distance he has to travel twice a day to get to work.So we decided lol no wait Rob said at dinner tonight f it if he has no job after xmas we are moving ..... hmmmm isnt as easy as one would think when we have a small tribe to move along with us ... but n e ways ..... pmsl just found myself thinking now what else can i b*tch about before Im done !!! funny enough I even found something else without trying .... wait for it .... Rob's EX (insert really pi$$ed off face here) She informs us this week that she is definately moving in with her .... ahem .... partner / lesbian lover ... dont get me wrong I have no problems with gays or lesbians I just think she should have decided she wanted to become a lesbian BEFORE she brought two little girls into the picture.... but you still havent read the worst of it they are not just moving in together she is taking the girls over 400 km 's away so not only does she take the girls away from us but on the same hand want to dump them here for weeks on end this xmas break (... can you believe a mother doesnt even want her xmas access visit with her own children .... christmas is about the kids in our house I don't know what the hell she is thinking but it sure as hell doesnt involve children ..)but we can't possibly afford our fortnightly access visits when she goes next Friday (anyone got a spare bullet ....? um just curious lol) see i warned y'all .... didn't I ? I think im outta things to b*tch about now ... well out of things I care to air on the net anyways .... pmsl oooooh Rob just reminded me Ive lost my sex drive ...sheeesh can't imagine why !!!!! oh yeah and Im now taaa daaa into my 27th week of pregnancy and feel like a beached whale with growing problems and I do mean GROWING im huge ! and very little water pmsl ..i gotta roll myself outta bed.. (thanks Rob for reminding me ...ahem ) so on a good note Robs sister Leisa is down from the sunny top end of Australia for a few weeks and is having a baby ! see im not the only silly one lol.... Sarah is stoked Leisa has two daughters so Sarah gets to play with someone her own size for a change it was cute Sarah is looking forward to visiting with them in town again so I imagine Saturday night (which is Robs Mums 50th ) is going to be very tiring and Leisa's partner is looking forward to having a jam with Rob not jam on toast jam I meant like music jam session see a lil slow these days ... sooo we are gunnah be busy ! I got cooking to do tomorrow so little to no time but hopefully will find a lil moment to psp ... mabeeeeeeee my net is slow as again this month we blame Sarah and her addiction to youtube for the speed being eaten up so fast this time...and we have a band job on New Years Eve we have to practice for and a I need all the practice I can get .... but i will try..... im not sure the world needs another xmas kit from me .... so ima hafta think of some other way of being creative... so i guess I will shut up now and go shower but I will be back within the next few days with some sort of pressie for you all... Thanks for reading and thankyou to everyone who has downloaded kits etc and left thank you's makes it worthwhile !!!... if you got this far and havent fell asleep you deserve a break about now lol ... loads and loads of love n huggles from Australia .... Renie / AusAngelTHAT TIME OF YEAR


First to my partner Rob ( I LOVE YOU BABY) who put up with me when i got really pi$$ed then just overwhelmingly upset over losing all my psp files and ptu tubes. Lucky he loves me or he would have disowned me i tell ya lol !!! Then to my Dear friend Judy and her friend Tammy who have helped me get back on track. A SPECIAL mention to two imaging / PTU tube companies AMI and CILM who didnt have any problem helping me retrieve everything I lost!!!! I am so grateful for all the offers and all the help to get some of the lost stuff back I was so looking forward to setting up this new pc and just putting everything where it should be unfortunately not only did i lose my IBM i also lost my 120GB external hard drive which i had everything backed up on so as you can imagine i was pretty peeved by it all.... one thing will come out of it pmsl my new pc is way better organised lol but with 640GB of storage i have room for a lil mess. Well i will stop raving now and get on with downloading more files so i can get creative again ... I didnt realise how much work goes into setting this up Im now doing what took me 3 years to do in a very small space of time....wish me luck lol.. Love and Huggles form my family to yours !! Renie aka AusAngelHO HO HOOOOOOOO
As Judy so wonderfully pointed out to me in Partyhouse lol Love you Judy!!!. Christmas is almost here . So whilst my pc was dead and our adsl modem i got creative. Even done some of my course !!! and heres an early christmas gift for you all! I have made these in psd formatt if for some reason psd formatt does not suit you or your program leave a message and i will upload the psp formatt. This time i also seperated the pack so you can download the elements seperate from the papers and also a lil wordart (sorry no preview on that one its a surprise pmsl to me also cause i cant remember what it looks like hahaha .... anyways enjoy!!!I HAVE BROUGHT A NEW PC

Lucky Robs pc is still working the kids were using my pc on a game site and it just up and died , wont restart and wont reformat sooooooooo I definately won't be around for a while...... Ive lost just about EVERYTHING!!!!! psp , animation shop, photoshop everything!Im so pi$$ed off right about now :'(. I want to cry Ive had that pc and everything on it for 5 years now .....well at least 4 anyways I cant remember ... I guess shit happens . Just when you think you're on top of things and things are going well this happens . Ima go now before I swear a whole lot !MY PSP JUST DIED GRRRRRRRR
Hows that for timing !!. I just finished off the kit and it won't work anymore it died wont restart either ... I tried repairing it wont do it so it looks like a full reinstall !!! $hit is all I have to say ... I wont be doing it anytime soon I have loads to do before we go away soooooo looks like I wont have an excuse to get out of sweeping my loungeroom floor now lol. I will be back ... Loads of love to you all ! Renie / AusAngelCHECK YOUR BOOBS TODAY

I must apologise still havent got to the kits or the tutorials !!! But Robs night away in the truck tonight and Im opening up psp for the large part of his absence lol. What a sh*t of a day Ive had but a great week. Possibly won't get it online til tomorrow sometime though. My morning sickness isnt so bad atm still there but heaps better which is nice and my house appreciates it because its nice and clean atm ! lol.Sure fire / fool proof method of keeping your mother in law AWAY have a clean house and they never turn up but you can bet your a$$ as soon as it looks untidy she'll be there pmsl! This week I opened my facebook and found long lost cousins ... well one in particular but Ive found lots of them and Im completely stoked! We go on holidays for a week as of Monday morning so i will not be around at all!. But before that Rob and the children are participating in the PCMA festival talent quests and busking a little really depending on how energetic we all get !. Good news I got a belated bday pressie or several pressies this week. Boots that wont kill my feet and a video camera ! so hopefully I can work out how to use it pmsl and capture some stuff to show you all. Its Robs birthday Thursday he will be 32 !!! to my advantage lol you know the saying youre only as old as the one your feeling !!!! hahaha. Well best hang a load of washing out and organise dinner for the kids then I will be back if not with tuts and kits will be back with something to show Ive made some kind of effort lol. Gotta love me ! Love and Hugs to you all Renie / AusAngelFRIDAY ALREADY
Well here I am just a quicky I don't really feel like being online at all let alone thinking and being online at the same time lol. Morning sickness ....well in my case all day sickness is here to stay Im one of them lucky people who get it nine months long we havent noticed it a whole lot till just recently because i was too busy being sick with flus and ear problems to notice what illness was what. Our eldest son Keagan officially becomes a teenager tomorrow. The big 13. Rob is stopping into Dubbo to pick up his two girls this afternoon on his way home we havent had them for three weeks last time they were over they brought the flu with them which left us all too sick to have them last fortnight so we are really looking forward to spending some time with them this weekend we wont see them for a month then because they are going away for the school holidays with their mother. Which will be hard on Rob he hates not seeing them and Miss Sarah looks forward to each and every visit with them. Its all good they will be back and driving us nuts with the rest of the tribe in no time lmao. Miss Katie turned up home yesterday with tears in her eyes looking through the door to make sure Rob was only around and NOT me she walked in crying saying please dont go angry at me and produces a damned rabbit .... The same rabbit i told her she was not allowed to have three times already this week. Rob just started laughing and told her it was cute and set about making a rabbits cage it took him til dark to finish ..... and he calls me a softy .... hmmmm I will remember this one. Theres a weak spot for katie she cares for any animals that come into the house and she is a character theres never a dull moment i just rolled my eyes at Rob and he said "what she was crying I couldnt say no !" Of course she was crying i told her NO and she knew he would fall in a heap and make the darned cage for her lol Okay onto blog business. I have been thinking it must be time for a new kit soooooooo by Monday I hope to have a new taggers kit up for you all and some halloween tuts coming soon. I have missed tagging but sitting here at the pc whilst sick is just no fun at all the things we do hey. Hope you have all taken a look see at Robs music so many have been asking to hear him for so long I thought I would finally make time to get some up and I have so dont forget to check em out. They are only home recordings but they turned out pretty good, its a good excuse to hear him sing I love it when he sings!!!. Thankyou to all mostly in Partyhouse and Southern Comfort for your well wishes on the new addition its nice to see some people happy for us. It does mean a lot to us and its so nice to see positive comments instead of smart remarks to ruin our moment. Sadly everyone doesnt feel the same way but like we said when we announced the pregnancy we are extremely happy and for anyone who wasn't well IT happens . Back on a positive note its wonderful to see all you who have been hit with the terrible storms back and safe we hope you all get your lives and homes back together and stay safe. YES JUDY honey we always miss you(L). Have a wonderful weekend everyone stay safe and don't party too hard to everyone who is repairing storm damage stay safe and our best wishes and a huge huggle goes out to you all! Loads of love from Australia. Renie aka AusAngelCHECK OUT ROBS NEW SITE
I been getting creative lol well kinda...... anyways I been promising to share someof our jam sessions for what seems like ages sooo if you want to check it out theres music linked of Robs in his PlaylistWE'RE SO EXCITED












LMAO okay a little dramatic BUT OCEAN GIRL* NEW* tut is finally up. Sorry for the delay I have the worst flu and so does Sarah and Rob ohhhhhhhh joy!!!! last day of school for two weeks for the kids today umm yay lmao school holidays and the flu floating around the house isnt near as much fun as it seems ... Josh , Brieanna and Kaitlin all went off to crazy hair day at school with glittery teased hair with yellow polka dots... Brieannas hair is going to be a nightmare to get the teasing out of tonight so not looking forward to that but they all looked so cute !my yellow fingers and hairbrushes will never be the same again ! I hope everyone is feeling better than i do atm. Have an awesome day and HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE CELEBRATING TODAY!!. Stay safe drink but dont drive or vice versa but stay in one piece and enjoy your holiday. Loads of love to you all! RenieGOOD MORNING


okay so someone created a monster !! If you take a look on my side link section I now have a list of my new tutorials. Take a look none of them are hard!!!!! FUN IN THE SUN COWGURLS DO BOTTOMS UP THAT VOODOO YOU DO TEACHERS PET PIRATE PLEASURE Good afternoon from NSW Australia to you all. So I got creative and finally wrote some tuts Ive been promising myself I would get to for a while now. Robs away tonight so i have a little time til i go to bed after the tribe hit the sack. anyways take a look at the tuts and let me know what you think!! OR if there are any problems Huggles RenieCOWGURLS DO


I have posted the Pirate tut today that Ive been promising for two weeks If anyone has any problems or think it is to hard to follow please do let me know I can't read minds..... Lucky for you hey lmao. I have also added the quick animation tuts I post In partyhouse to teach basic animation etc I will keep adding them as Igo. Also whilst Im on the subjest of adding stuff I have added a template section. If you use templates in your tags feel free to snag away!!!! Ive been working On a new kit or two... Im stuck between them both lmao . But Im sure I will get them finished soon. Ive had the crappiest week!!!! We found out we lose in excess of 300 dollars a fortnight plus our HCC next month due to the new budget coming in .....People who voted for the new government who is supposedly in the interest of working class families would be bitterly disappointed atm. Im really peeved and not sure how long we will be able to keep the net after the new financial change. Its hard enough paying for it now without losing in excess of 600 dollars a month PLUS having to pay full price for medical and pharmaceutical. I think I will just have to try find a job around here... theres no employment close by will have to travel at least 50 minutes to work to and then again from and put Miss Sarah in care which really sucks I love staying home with her.... and being here for the other kids when they get home from school and being here for Rob......We will see what happens. What really peeves me is if we earn extra money we have to pay more money as maintenance for Robs two girls so we wont be any better off by the time we TRY pay for petrol and extra maintenance and child care........ Ughhhhhh almost enough to drive a person to drink sometimes!!!!! Well I've had my bitch now lol sorry ...... I'm sure it will all work out ... fingers crossed. Have a great day everyone and where ever you are in the world TAKE CARE Love N Huggles Renie / AusAngelWHAT A WEEK
Rob and I done a band job on Saturday night at Tomingley ... it was fun and something different for me I really don't like the stage so I was relieved to see we didn't have to stand up on stage . I think Robs more impressed than I am lmao he finally got me to play bass in public last time i tried i froze and couldn't even pick so I was a lot worried .. BUT I didn't freeze and I enjoyed the night out it wasn't really anything new almost 5 hours playing is about what we do here at home in our lounge room a few days a week. The job went well and the publican definately wants us back !!!!.. Then yesterday we took the kids and my parents in to a country music muster in Parkes the kids and Rob sang and like i said I'm not keen on the stage I took the bass but didn't get up lmao nothing worse than playing in front of critics ... Mum and Dad had a great time and even Sarah went up with her little guitar and played on stage with Rob and the kids I had to remove her when she got bored and started poking Katie in the leg and her butt with her guitar whilst Katie and Brieanna were singing Proud Mary lmao but she had fun..

Have a great week everyone and stay safe I hope this finds you all well!!
All my love and best wishes
Renie / AusAngel
Hello everyone , its been a while !!!
Ive had a hectic few weeks Miss Sarah turned two on Sunday and with life dramas / teenagers lol well time on psp has been limited my minds elsewhere. Rob has a band job on next weekend so that means extra practice which I love . He wants me to join him and play bass on the night we will see ... Im not a performer I hate being the centre of attention or even close !! I get stage fright ... Im one of those people thats never in front of the camera
I have a new small kit for you all today and Im dedicating it to my long time friend Sue who gifted me with the new Garv pirate tube this morning !!!
THANKYOU HONEY.... now I just have to find time to tag !!!! Im addicted to his work its awesome!
Anyways the kit is something new for me and just for fun hope you enjoy it !!!!
Great big Hugs to you all stay safe and have a great month! To all my friends overseas who are on tornado watch stay safe , Im thinking of you .Its now winter here in Australia but it hasn't been cold really we had our first frost this morning... Robs out weeding the vegie garden so i best make myself look useful lmao Lord only knows how Im gunna do that hehe* Have a great one all
Kisses n Huggles from me to you
Renie / AusAngel





Love n loads a huggles Renie

WELL...... its colourful and maybe a little out of the ordinary but I liked the colours so here it is . Maybe it will brighten your day a little as well!!!